Lee un libro MADAME BOVARY (illustrated, complete, and unabridged) (English Edition) de GUSTAVE FLAUBERT,Eleanor Marx-Aveling libros ebooks

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The Definitive Edition of MADAME BOVARY-Illustrated with beautiful French paintings and photos of the 19th Century -Complete, unabridged, and formatted for kindle to improve your reading experience-Linked table of contents to reach your chapter quickly“One of the thousand novels everyone must read” Guardian“The first thing to say about Madame Bovary is that it's a terrific story. Other comparably great and famous novels aren't, but it is. Everyone should read it.” Clive James, The Atlantic“She was a bourgeois narcissist in 19th-century France who was destroyed by her daydreams. But the brilliantly observed tragedy of Flaubert's Madame Bovary still resonates today.” The Guardian“Poor Emma Bovary. She will never escape the tyranny of her desires, never avoid the anguish into which her romantic conceits deliver her, never claim the oblivion she sought .” New York Times“Emma Bovary, the wife of a kindly but dull country doctor, yearns for a life of luxury and romance that she has read about in popular novels. When a landowning libertine takes a fancy to her, she begins an affair which ends when he abandons her on the eve of their elopement. No sooner has she recovered than she takes up with a young lawyer with whom she has weekly trysts in a hotel room.” The GuardianREAD MADAME BOVARY one of the most scandalous novels of all time in a beautifully presented edition specially designed for kindle. This is Flaubert’s masterpiece which will stay with you forever.

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Madame bovary librotea considerada unánimemente una de las mejores novelas de todos los tiempos madame bovary narra la oscura tragedia de emma bovary mujer infelizmente casada cuyos sueños choca cruelmente con la realidad al hechizo que ejerce la figura de la protagonista hay que añadir la sabia combinación argumental de rebeldía violencia melodrama y sexo los cuatro grandes ríos como afirmó en su